Speed: The Ultimate Currency in Business and Life

Some of you may have heard that data is the new currency. If not, don’t get caught up on it. The real game-changer in today’s world? Speed.

Speed is the world’s new currency. It makes complete sense—time is limited, and if you don’t move fast, someone else will. Whether in business or running a household, the faster you execute, the more successful you’ll be.

So, how do we move faster and gain the edge?

Let’s break it down.

1. Close the Loop: Move On and Advance

Loose ends slow you down. Every unfinished task, unanswered email, or pending decision clutters your mental space and kills momentum.

How many open loops do you have right now?

If it’s more than three, you’ve got a problem. Close them—ASAP.

Action step: Identify your open loops. Resolve them today. Speed matters.

2. Return the Ball: Fast 

You can’t control when the ball is hit to you, but you can control how fast you hit it back. Whether it’s a client email, a decision from your team, or a request from your spouse—respond quickly and keep things moving.

Is the ball in your court on something right now?

If so, get rid of it.


3. Start the Clock: Immediately

If you know something will take time—why wait to start? The clock isn’t ticking until you take action. Every delay pushes success further away.

Are you putting off something that will take two weeks?

Don’t wait until tomorrow.


Final Thought: Speed Wins

The faster you think, act, and execute, the more opportunities you create. Slow players get left behind. Fast players dominate. Which one are you?

Now, go close loops, return the ball, and start the clock.

Your success depends on it.

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