Successful business owners want to ensure that their money goes to the right people when they pass away. The process of determining who will receive your property and money one you pass is called estateplanning. Estate planning is especially important for wealthy people to avoid having their passed-down property be subject to excessive taxation. Let’s look at some simple ways successful entrepreneurs can protect their money and maximize the value their heirs receive.
4. Keeping the Family Business in the Family (Family Partnerships and LLCs): Business owners can create a family partnership or company and give parts of it to their kids. This approach allows the business to be passed on at a reduced value, minimizing the taxable estate and gift tax exposure. By transferring shares of the business gradually, owners can utilize valuation discounts for lack of control and marketability. This strategy helps keep the business in the family and ensures that wealth is preserved across generations.
5. Gifting to Loved Ones to Reduce Taxes: Wealthy people can also give money to their loved ones while they’re still alive. The IRS allows individuals to give up to a certain amount per recipient each year without incurring gift taxes, known as the annual gift tax exclusion. By taking advantage of this exclusion, families can gradually transfer wealth without triggering significant tax liabilities. By doing this, they can slowly pass on their money without being taxed, making sure more stays in the family.
For successful entrepreneurs, having a smart plan for the future helps make sure that their money stays with the people they care about. By using strategies like skipping a generation, setting up trusts, giving to charity, and making gifts, they can reduce tax liability.
Estate planning can be tricky, so it’s important to work with experts who know the rules. Mavacy operates on a decentralized business model, allowing us to draw the best talent from across the country. Our expert estate planners bring diverse knowledge and experience, ensuring your wealth is protected. With Mavacy, entrepreneurs can safeguard their assets, provide for their families, and support causes that are important to them.